Here you will find links to a whole wealth of information about a career in science and the business of science. These are aimed at students considering a career in science, graduate students, post docs and early career scientists. Don't worry, there are also informational nuggets for tenure-track and tenured scientists alike.


Adjunct crisis

Interdisciplinary PhD job market help

Peer-review workshop

Prospectus tips

Scientists are cautious about public outreach

How not to suck in graduate school

Rebuttal ediquette

Bias, credibility and communicating science

Reviewing your adjunct policies

Hi-tech teaching methods

Career lingo: degree completed by...

Statistics for biologists

Lab size: bigger isn't always better

How the NSF merit review process works

8 TED talks to watch before public speaking

"Open Notebook" approach to science and research

Making your research count!

Science and public trust: what can happen when science goes prime time before it should

Public attacks on your research: how to handle this with grace

Reproducibility is a core scientific principle

Tensions Between Academic Freedom and Open Records Laws

CV tips and tricks

Transitioning from academia to non-academia

Idea stealing: why cross-pollination helps everyone

Outreach: speaking up for science (tone and delivery tips)

Time management tips for those transitioning from Post doc to PI

Why science and the media need each other

How to not suck at your next academic conference

Fun blog post about universities being ranked by quality of life metrics

The focus on bibliometrics makes papers less useful

Reasons why research goes wrong

Lawsuit ends with adjunct rehired as tenure track

Exaggeration of science by media

Exaggeration of science by media

How academics use Twitter

How to speak so that people listen

Programming tools: adventures with R

What some young scientists hope for 2015

Branding your science: a how-to and why it's important